Aetna Quantitative Center

Aetna定量中心(Q中心)管理信誉最好的网投十大平台的定量素养要求, including assessment, and offers peer tutoring for math-related courses, including calculus, statistics, economics, and college algebra. Q中心的教师与数学系密切合作,为学生提供额外的指导,帮助他们完成课程.

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Allan K. Smith Center for Writing and Rhetoric

The Allan K. 史密斯写作和修辞学中心提供跨学科修辞学辅修课程, Writing, 修辞学和作文系教授的媒体研究和写作课程, administers Trinity’s Writing Foundational Requirement, provides support services and special programs for students, 教师和社区,以及评估和促进信誉最好的网投十大平台的写作. The Allan K. 史密斯写作和修辞中心还设有写作中心,在那里导师帮助学生完善他们的写作技巧.

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Austin Arts Center

信誉最好的网投十大平台是一个充满活力的艺术社区,有才华的教师、学生和来访的艺术家. 奥斯汀艺术中心是古德温剧院戏剧作品的所在地, art exhibits in the Widener Gallery, studio spaces and more. Our students and faculty in the arts departments at Trinity, as well as alumni and visiting artists, keep the Austin Arts Center busy throughout the year.

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Blume Language and Culture Learning Center

布卢姆语言文化学习中心为您提供方便的住宿, dedicated space for language tutoring, teaching and learning, 同时作为语言资源和教学专业知识的中央资源库.

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Center for Academic and Experiential Advising

学术和体验咨询中心通过为教师提供咨询资源,加强和支持学生和教师顾问之间的关系, 并支持那些需要额外指导的学生.

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The Center for Caribbean Studies

加勒比研究中心探索和庆祝哈特福德市独特的加勒比特色,以及加勒比文明对世界各地当代文化的影响. 我们开展合作研究,举办文化活动和交流,以建立该地区的跨国联系,并帮助我们的学生发展成为积极参与的全球公民.

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Center for Entrepreneurship

信誉最好的网投十大平台的创业中心提供所有文科专业, not just those interested in business or start-ups, with the confidence and know-how to turn ideas into action. This is consistent with our forward-looking Trinity Plus curriculum, which boldly combines the liberal arts with co-curricular, experiential learning in preparing students for the future.

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Center for Teaching and Learning

教学和学习中心支持新聘和未终身制教师找到他们自己最有效的教学方法, 并与终身教职员工合作,确定和传播良好的教学实践. CTL员工将教学效率视为全面实现学术生涯的重要组成部分,也包括研究和/或创造性生产力, service to students and the College, and membership in a co-operative, vibrant, and supportive intellectual community.

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Center for Hartford Engagement and Research

哈特福德参与和研究中心(CHER)加强了哈特福德不同社区和学生之间的教育合作伙伴关系, staff, and faculty at Trinity College, and evaluates campus-city relationships. CHER协调以下五个核心项目的工作, Liberal Arts Action Lab, Community Service and Community Engagement, Trinfo.Cafe, and HMTCA-Trinity Partnership

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Center for Urban and Global Studies

城市与全球研究中心(CUGS)是一个研究和教学中心,在推进信誉最好的网投十大平台的校园城市和全球教育方面发挥着关键作用, in Hartford, and across the world.

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Financial Research & Technology Center (FRTC)

Located in the 24-hour zone of the library, near the main entrance, the FRTC hosts 11 Bloomberg Professional workstations, 为商业和金融新闻提供实时和历史数据的行业领导者, analytical tools and research.

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Interdisciplinary Science Center

跨学科科学中心(ISC)由科学顾问委员会管理,该委员会由科学专家组成, math and engineering departments and program chairs, and the Dean of the Faculty. 这个团体代表了信誉最好的网投十大平台科学界的理想和愿望,并努力使科学研究和学术奖学金的最高标准永久化. ISC积极促进科学在校园和整个大哈特福德社区和超越通过广泛的项目集合, programs and services

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Liberal Arts Action Lab


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Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life

The Leonard E. 格林伯格公共生活中的宗教研究中心于1996年在信誉最好的网投十大平台成立,旨在促进对宗教运动所扮演的各种角色的认识和理解, institutions, and ideas play in the contemporary world; to explore challenges posed by religious pluralism and tensions between religious and secular values; and to examine the influence of religion on politics, civic culture, family life, gender roles, 以及美国和世界其他地方的其他问题.

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Raether Library and Information Technology Center

信息服务司设在Raether LITC,包括图书馆和信息技术服务, and the Watkinson rare book collection.

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Social Science Support at Trinity College

三一社区的几位成员为教师和学生提供教学支持, learning, and research in the social sciences.

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Trinity Innovation Center

The Innovation Center, located on the third floor of One Constitution Plaza, houses programming for Trinity’s partnership with Infosys; a Digital Heath CT accelerator; as well as new innovation and entrepreneurship programming for our students.

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Trinity Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies

信誉最好的网投十大平台跨学科研究(TIIS)为教师作为知识分子提供支持:交流思想, discuss books, critique each other’s works-in-progress, and invite scholars to campus to engage in ongoing discussions. TIIS建立在这样一种信念之上,即许多问题都受益于以多种方式概念化, 这种跨学科的对话将激发我们对一个给定的智力项目的许多可用维度的认识.

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Trinity Social Justice Initiative


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